Natural Area of Special Interest (ANEI). The area of sa Serra Grossa covers an area of 1,175 hectares in the municipalities of Ibiza, Sant Josep and Sant Antoni, and is located in the southern third of the island, north of the Ibizan airport and west of the city of Vila. The local Government has declared this mountainous area of the island a Special Conservation Zone (ZEC), afther already declaring it a Site of Community Importance (LIC). The most outstanding mountains are Monte Gros (420 m) and Monte de sa Pega (402 m).
There are also several torrents and watercourses, including the torrent d'en Capità, which flows into the port of the city of Ibiza. From a biological point of view, it is one of the least altered areas of the island, with a very rich plant mosaic, where one hundred percent of the natural habitats are considered of community interest.
Zona Sa Serra Grossa
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